Hey there.
For those of you that don't know me, read on. For those that do, some may be redundant, and you may not care, but read on nonetheless. Nobody cares what you think anyway... On to the relevant portion-
*ahem* I spend, on average, more time than I ever should watching movies. And after watching them, more often than not, I explain my opinion of them. Only it always sounds more fact-based than opinion-based; this is something to work on. The point I'm trying to get at is that I claim to have a lot of insight to offer into the awe-inspiring, mind-bending, reality-altering, and simply entertaining world that is cinema. In order to get all of those ideas off my chest and hopefully help people understand more about the movie along the way, I will talk about all that here.
Now then, as the name of the blog suggests, everything I say should be taken with a grain of salt. That is to say that I am stating my opinion here, not fact, and you may challenge me on that in search of stimulating intellectual debate, but don't try and tell me I'm wrong about an opinion. And I'll extend the same courtesy to you. Oh, and the same goes for getting offended or otherwise angry at what I'm saying; it's my opinion, and I'm just expressing it. No one is asking you to read, nor telling you to like it. I am suggesting you take this into consideration. with a grain of salt.
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